World Outreach Ministries is a ministry that strictly lives by faith! Everywhere James and I travel is by faith. Your support helps us to be able to GO AND PREACH.. the Gospel of the Kingdom. We see the lame walk, the blind see, the dear hear, the gospel preached to the poor. Your support helps us make discipleship videos, educational and training videos, write books, all for spreading the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST.
We are giving our lives to spread His Love to the hurting and the lost. Will you help us??? |
No, it is not about asking for money, it is about ...Will you help us spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the hurting? To enable us to GO TO THEM, hedges highways byways, and the nations!
Are you hurting? Are you struggling?Are you disillusioned with a church?
Maybe none of these things are happening right now, and you just need some answers.
We believe inside of these messages, you will find answers to help you navigate your journey forward to bring
Kingdom Lifestyle-
Through God, Time to kill your GIANTS! |
Kingdom Lifestyle
"From Visitation to Habitation" |
Kingdom Lifestyle- The Power of
Your Repentance |
Kingdom Lifestyle- The Loving
Kindness of God! |
Kingdom Lifestyle- As Believers, follow ONLY WHAT JESUS SAID!
Kingdom Lifestyle
What Jesus meant about Judge Not |
Kingdom Lifestyle
The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit |
Kingdom Lifestyle
Part 2 The Beatitudes |
Kingdom Lifestyle
Why Must we COME to Jesus? |
Kingdom Lifestyle
Master Jesus, Save Me now! |
Kingdom Lifestyle
Who is On the Lord's Side?? |
Kingdom Lifestyle
Bride Prepare, Make Yourself Ready |
Kingdom Lifestyle
Once Saved Always Saved?? the Truth |
Kingdom Lifestyle
Access to the Throne of God |
Kingdom Lifestyle
Part 1 "The Beatitudes" |
Kingdom Lifestyle
What God's Church looks Like |
Kingdom Lifestyle
Covet to Prophesy |
Kingdom Lifestyle:
Kingdom Lifestyle:
Kingdom Lifestyle:
Kingdom Lifestyle:
Kingdom Lifestyle:
God took us from Humanity to Divinity |
When All Hope
There's A
The Kingdom of God
The Heart
The Sword of
A Father's Day Message
Walk in the Fear of the Lord
The Dangers of Carnality
A Message to the "FEW"
Disciples follow, assemble,& obey JESUS!
A Demonstration
The Power of Your Repentance
"Who is on the Lord's Side"?
Emmanuel God is with Us!
Good News! Emmanuel means God with us!
Time to receive the BIRTH OF CHRIST INN-SIDE YOU! Dec.25'th |
God Has Translated us!The key to overcoming all things.. is knowing where YOU ARE.. abiding Now!
Col. 1;13-14 |
It's your Appointed Time!
EVERYONE who received a miracle chose their own appointed time, by moving their faith. Faith without works is dead.
James 2;14 |
One Word stands between every promise of God - IF
The church is so ready to quote promises of God not realizing that MOST PROMISES from God are conditional, the only thing that stands between the fulfillment of each promise is the word: IF
The Inherent
Living to
Jesus said,"My blood CLEANSESThe Lord awakened me this morning and said” My BLOOD Cleanses! “ Tell ALL! |
The Power of His
The Be
Four Keys to Unshakeable Faith
Four Keys to Unshakeable Faith- Learn them, embrace them, put them into practice |
Freedom from AddictionsEvery captive shall go free tonight! Jesus Christ died, and its because of what He did, all prisoners shall go free!! |
What will HEAVEN
Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord"Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord"- Jesus said, "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Repentance (changing our minds should be our lifestyle) Conforming into the Image of Christ.
Sin & Death has No Power over usJesus Christ hung on the cross and said right before He died, IT IS FINISHED! sin has no power, death has no sting!
Jesus heals the BROKENHEARTEDJesus heals the brokenhearted! He comes to heal the hurt, the pain of it all.
ARE YOU Going through
7 Keys: How to Speak
Bullying &
Children of Light vs Children of Darkness |
Being Betrayed and lied about |
Church Hurt &
Jesus Heals Bodies,Today |
Fighting with
Put on the WHOLE
JESUS is the Only
Only Jesus can Transform YOU! |
Feeling Alone or Sad?
Lost, Rejected, Or
Narcissism & Pharoah |
Only Look to JESUS |
Time to BE HEALED!
When ALL hope is Gone! |
Prepared Inwardly for JESUS |
How to Overcome the World |
Oppression, Pain Time to GO! |
Which Tree Are you eating from? |
My Kingdom Authority |
Retaining the Knowledge of God |
Dead to self &
False Prophets & satan's devices |
GOD puts His
Knowing God in Intimacy in
JESUS CHRIST BREAKS CHAINS OF SINJesus Christ breaks EVERY CHAIN OF SIN! Every addiction! Today is your
day of FREEDOM!!!Claim it now! Believe it now! Your faith in the Lord’s finished work will bring you into a new beginning with Him. |
Heaven's S.O.S-
Time to Possess
God's Love & God's Wrath-What are you REAPING?Those who love God will reap His promises and His blessings, but the children of disobedience the WRATH OF GOD abides on them.
Train Your Brain to Reign |
The Divine Life Now!
Is Your name in the Lamb 's book of Life? |